If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time on your email inbox. But what about the time you don’t even have time to open it? Do you check your email every day, or just once in a while? The answer is both. You should check your email at least once a day to make sure you’re getting the important notifications and to keep up with the latest changes in your account.
But what about the emails that you don’t want to see? That’s where email validation comes in. Email validation helps you find and review messages that are not from your address or from the account you’re logged into. This way, you can avoid potential problems with emails and keep your inbox clean without having to waste time checking it every day.
Need for email validation
Email validation is a very important feature that helps you keep your inbox clean and free from spam. When you get an email from someone you don’t know, or even an unconfirmed contact, it’s always best to use email validation. If the person is not in your contact list and has not set up the validation process for his account, then there is a greater chance that he could be sending unwanted emails to your Gmail account. This will help decrease the number of emails cluttering your inbox.
How to do it?
Email validation is very easy to accomplish. All you need to do is go to the message that you want to validate, then click the envelope icon at the top right corner of it. You will see a confirmation box in which you can choose how often you’d like to get updates from this email address, which can be daily, weekly, or monthly.
Once you have specified your choice, the validation process will be activated for this particular email address. This means that every time someone sends a new message from this email address, Gmail will send an update to your inbox with that information.
Tips to choose email validation service provider
If you are interested in setting up email validation for yourself, here are a few tips to consider before selecting your email validation service provider:
- Find out if the email validation service provider supports sending messages via your website.
- Pick a service provider that makes it easy to filter emails into different folders based on subject, username, or IP address.
- Choose a company that provides an API, so you can integrate the email validation service easily with all of the other tools you use.
- Gaining some quick and easy control over your inbox can help you get organized and keep things running smoothly.
Take advantage of these tips for better management of your inbox and let us know how email validation works for you!
Email validation is a great way to ensure that your inbox doesn’t get overloaded with messages from people who you don’t know, or unwanted emails from those who are not your friends or family. Plus, if you use Gmail’s filters and labels, defining your contacts and sending them to appropriate folders will make it even easier for you to browse through their communications. More importantly, this practice will help keep your inbox clutter-free.